Conventional and no-till establishment of ladino clover as influenced by time of seeding and grass and insect suppression

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DD Rogers; DS Chamblee; JP Mueller; WV Campbell

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Agronomy Journal

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Requirements for establishing ladino clover (Trifolium repens L.) into pastures may differ markedly between conventional and no-till systems. objectives of this study were to compare effects of pesticides and seeding date on fall establishment of ‘Tillman’ ladino clover seeded with tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in conventionally prepared seedbeds and sod-seeded into tall fescue-dominant swards on a Typic Hapludult soil in Piedmont North Carolina. Effects of grass suppression were studied in no-till plantings by either applying or not applying paraquat (l,1′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridinium ion). Carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2, 2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl methylcarbamate) either was not applied or was applied for insect control at two seeding dates (early September and mid-October) in four trials and at one seeding date (31 August) in a fifth trial. Clover stand reductions by insect and/or mollusk pests were much greater in notill plantings than in conventional plantings. Clover stands from notill seedings in late August were destroyed in one trial by slugs (Derocerus laeve Mull.), but were largely unaffected in prepared seedbeds. Insecticide moderately increased clover densities and yields of September conventional plantings in three of five trials. September-seeded clover damaged by insect and/or mollusk pests 10 to IS days after emergence averaged 67 and 23% in no-till and conventional plantings, respectively. Insecticide alone or with paraquat was required in September no-till plantings to produce clover yields approximately equal to or exceeding those of the check in September conventional plantings. Mid-October conventional plantings of clover usually failed to survive the winter due to frost heaving, yet survived well in the no-till plantings. We conclude that insecticides are usually necessary for successful establishment of ladino into tall fescue swards in early September, but may not be needed as often in prepared seedbeds.

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