An Improved Method for Determining the Fineness Value of Agricultural Limestone for Aquaculture

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Kom Silapajarn; Claude E. Boyd; Orawan Silapajarn

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


North American Journal of Aquaculture

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: The original method for determining the fineness of agricultural limestone was modified for the greater contribution of particles less than 0.25 mm in diameter that is found in the modern agricultural limestone used in aquaculture. Crusher-run limestone was screened to give nine particle size separates. Systems containing 3.0 kg of soil (pH 5 5.21) and 23.5 L of water (total alkalinity 5 0.39 mg/L) were treated with 8.0 g of each separate, and total alkalinity and pH were monitored. After 70 d, total alkalinity equilibrated at 55 mg/L in systems treated with particles less than 0.106 mm. The total alkalinity in systems treated with other particle size separates were as follows: control, 0.52 mg/L; greater than 2.0 mm, 2.28 mg/L; 2.0

Additional Bibliographic Information

Silapajarn, K., C.E. Boyd, and O. Silapajarn, 2004. An improved method for determining the fineness value of agricultural limestone for aquaculture. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 66:113–118.

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