Virginia Tech awarded $18 million to implement integrated pest management program in developing countries
Virginia Tech has won a new $18 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for a research program that will work to raise the standard of living of people around the world through environmentally sound agricultural […]

Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab Announces
Selected Projects
Project funding through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet has been announced. The projects will contribute to improving food security, household resilience and private sector growth in Ethiopia, Senegal and Niger through the […]

Recent Legume Innovation Lab Graduate Named
Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources of Rwanda
Gerardine Mukeshimana, a 2013 graduate of Michigan State University’s (MSU) doctoral program in plant breeding and genetics in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences and Pulse CRSP student, was appointed the new Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources […]

IPM Innovation Lab HostsThree Workshops in Ethiopia, Nepal, and the Philippines
In July and August the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Innovation Lab hosted three workshops in Ethiopia, Nepal, and the Philippines. Click on the links under the brief descriptions to read more about the workshops on the IPM Innovation Lab website. […]

Annual Innovation Lab Council Partners Workshop: Nepal, March 10 – 14, 2014
The March 2014 Annual Innovation Lab Council Partners Workshop “Scaling Up Agricultural Research and Technologies & Designing Research for Improved Nutritional Outcomes” brought together members of the Innovation Lab community and USAID/Washington and Mission staff. The workshop was held on […]

Agrilinks Blog Series:
Innovation Lab Council Partners Workshop in Nepal
The Agrilinks team traveled to Nepal for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab Council Partners Workshop. Agrilinks Knowledge Management Specialist Marisol Pierce-Quinonez, who attended the meeting, created a blog series about the workshop which is available below and in three […]

U.S. University Student Engagement: BIFAD Public Meeting
The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD)’s public meeting on Jan. 30 in Washington, DC highlighted U.S. university student engagement including the Feed the Future Innovation Labs’ for Collaborative Research more than 30 years of experience and impact […]

IPM Innovation Lab promotes workshops to address invasive pests in Africa and Asia
The Integrated Pest Management Innovation Lab recently promoted two workshops aimed at fighting invasive pests that threaten farmer livelihoods across the developing world. A three-day workshop, Tuta absoluta — meeting the challenge of the tomato leafminer, was held in Addis […]

Innovation Labs Participate in Feed the Future’s Global Learning and Evidence Exchange (GLEE) on Scaling Agricultural Technologies
In January, Feed the Future held its second Global Learning and Evidence Exchange (GLEE) on Scaling Agricultural Technologies—focused on Asia and held in Bangkok, Thailand. More than 70 participants from USAID missions, implementing partners, and global research centers discussed best […]

Virginia Tech organizes symposium on capacity building for agricultural training and education in developing countries under the InnovATE project
Virginia Tech organized a Symposium on Capacity Building for Agricultural Training and Education in Developing Countries on September 18-20, 2013 in Fairfax, VA under its InnovATE project. InnovATE’s objective is to identify and disseminate strategies for building “effective and financially […]