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Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods

In February 2012, the Dry Grain Pulses (Pulse) CRSP cohosted with the Rwanda Agriculture Board a five day global pulse research meeting attended by approximately 100 grain legume scientists from over 25 countries.  In addition to Pulse CRSP U.S. and […]

Innovative Solutions for Poverty Reduction

Leading scientists and development practitioners shared evidence and provided recommendations on strengthening rural communities’ economic resilience through social protection programs during the BASIS/AMA CRSP’s event “Building Resilience and Assets for Food Security: Evidence and Implications for Feed the Future (FTF).” […]

Reducing the Gender Gaps in Agriculture: The Experiences of IPM, Peanut, and SANREM CRSPs

According to the 2010-2011 State of Food and Agriculture, closing the gender gaps in agriculture has the potential to raise total agricultural output in development countries by between 2.5 and 4 percent and to reduce the number of hungry people […]

Helpful Links

U.S. Government Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) Feed the Future United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse USAID People Finder Feed the Future Innovation Labs […]

Peanut CRSP Strategic Research Meeting

The Peanut CRSP held a strategic research and planning meeting December 11-15, 2011. Over seventy Peanut CRSP faculty and student researchers and staff members, representing twelve countries outside the U.S., came together in St. Julian’s, Malta to discuss CRSP accomplishments […]

Helping Dairy Farmers Produce Greater Quantities of Milk with New Sorghum Forage Varieties in Central America

As a result of research of the INTSORMIL CRSP a new sorghum variety, “Sorgo CENTA S-2 bmr” was publicly launched in San Salvador, El Salvador. The new variety is the successful result of the long-term research collaboration between the USAID-funded […]

About the Digest Project

The Digest Project is supported by individual Feed the Future Innovation Labs for Collaborative Research and CRSPs as its joint knowledge management program. Implemented by Cultural Practice LLC, the Digest Project compiles, synthesizes, and disseminates various types of data about […]


Growing incomes and healthy lives Since the 1970s, growth in the horticultural subsector has outpaced many other agricultural commodities. Rising incomes, urbanization, and increased knowledge of better health practices have increased world consumption of fruits and vegetables. The United States, […]

Integrated Pest Management

Improving vegetable productivity, quality, and profitability through integrated pest management Agricultural pests—insects, diseases, weeds, and animals—are a serious problem for producers around the world. A study in India in 2004 by Reddy and Zehr reported average loss rates of 25% […]


Adapting to climate change while improving pastoral livelihoods, animal health, and environmental management Climate variability and more sustained climate change are causing increased drought or flooding, affecting the availability and predictability of forage and water for livestock. This uncertainty makes […]