
AquaFish Strengthens Fish Value Chains for Men and Women Fish Farmers

Declines in the wild fish catches in Kenya’s Lake Victoria have spurred the expansion of fish farming in the region. The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Aquaculture and Fisheries (AquaFish) expanded work conducted under the former […]

Strengthening Value Chains to Benefit Small Producers

The CRSPs are working to build efficient and effective value chains across the globe. They have recognized that scientific advances to increase yields without regard to the market can have negative consequences for small producers if it creates a glut […]

Reducing the Gender Gaps in Agriculture: The Experiences of IPM, Peanut, and SANREM CRSPs

According to the 2010-2011 State of Food and Agriculture, closing the gender gaps in agriculture has the potential to raise total agricultural output in development countries by between 2.5 and 4 percent and to reduce the number of hungry people […]

BASIS/AMA Hosts Workshop on Gender and Assets in Washington D.C.

Understanding how men’s and women’s access to, control over, and ownership of a range of productive assets (e.g., land and other property, credit, and improved agricultural inputs) has the potential to help donors and development practitioners improve strategies for supporting […]