Horticulture CRSP

Three External Evaluations Released on Feed the Future Innovation Labs for Collaborative Research on Horticulture, IPM, and Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

External evaluations were recently released for three different Feed the Future Innovation Labs for Collaborative Research:  Horticulture, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) , and Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM). These external evaluations provide feedback to USAID on the Innovation […]

Horticulture CRSP launches third
Regional Center of Innovation

With the launch of a new center in Kenya, the Horticulture Collaborative Research Support Program has successfully opened three centers worldwide dedicated to serving as hubs for horticulture-related activities in nearby developing countries. The Horticulture CRSP Regional Center of Innovation at […]

Horticulture and IPM Research and Development address
Feed the Future Initiative Objectives

Horticultural production can be a delicate process as young vegetable shoots are particularly vulnerable to attack by insects and disease. When integrated pest management (IPM) techniques are available and used in combination with improved seed and good cultivation and storage […]

CRSP Research Increases Agricultural Productivity

Achieving increases in productivity, defined as deriving greater output per unit of input, is a central feature of USAID-funded agricultural programs and particularly the work of the Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs). Productivity gains can come from improvement in breeding, […]

New Network of Plant Pathologists Prevents Disease Spread

Phytophthora, Greek for plant‐destroyer, is a ubiquitous plant pathogen that robs the world’s farmers of billions of dollars each year. This soil‐inhabiting pathogen, more closely related to brown algae than true fungi, travels the dank, dirty corners of Earth’s underbelly […]

A Conversation with Congressional Staff about CRSP Contributions to Food Security

On June 5, four of the ten CRSP Directors held an information session with staff representing members participating in both House and Senate Agriculture Committees at the Rayburn House Office Building. The focus of the conversation was on the CRSP contributions to food […]