AIARD Honors CRSP Leaders for Public Service in
International Agriculture and Rural Development
Several leaders in the Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) community were honored by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) for their significant public service in international agriculture and rural development during the AIARD’s June 2013 annual meeting. […]

Learning from Success: INTSORMIL 1979-2013
After 33 years, the International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP) closed on March 29, 2013. Based at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska since 1979, the program contributed enormously to global food security both overseas […]

Helping Dairy Farmers Produce Greater Quantities of Milk with New Sorghum Forage Varieties in Central America
As a result of research of the INTSORMIL CRSP a new sorghum variety, “Sorgo CENTA S-2 bmr” was publicly launched in San Salvador, El Salvador. The new variety is the successful result of the long-term research collaboration between the USAID-funded […]