Planktonic trophic interactions in catfish and sportfish ponds in the presence of an omnivorous filter-feeding fish
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1998
- Author(s): L. Massaut
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
A Manual of Fertilization and Supplemental Feeding Strategies for Small-Scale Nile Tilapia Culture in Ponds
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Adoption/Diffusion Research or Adoption and Diffusion Research.
- Start Date: 1997/08/01
- End Date: 2001/07/31
- Project Code: 9ADR11
- Lead University: Auburn University
- Region: Global
- Topic: Capacity Building
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Growth Performance and Economic Benefits of Oreochromis niloticus/Clarias gariepinus Polyculture Fed on Three Supplementary Feeds in Fertilized Tropical Ponds
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Feeds and Fertilizers Research.
- Start Date: 1997/08/01
- End Date: 2001/07/31
- Project Code: 9FFR2
- Lead University: Florida International University
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Fish Yields and Economic Benefits of Tilapia/Clarias Polyculture in Fertilized Ponds Receiving Commercial Feeds or Pelleted Agricultural By-Products
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Feeds and Fertilizers Research.
- Start Date: 1997/08/01
- End Date: 2001/07/31
- Project Code: 9FFR2A
- Lead University: Florida International University
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Timing of the Onset of Supplemental Feeding
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme Feeds and Fertilizers Research.
- Start Date: 1997/08/01
- End Date: 2001/07/31
- Project Code: 9FFR4
- Lead University: Oregon State University
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Supplemental Feeding for Semi-Intensive Culture of Red Tilapia in Brackish water Ponds
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to the scientific theme New Aquaculture Systems/New Species
- Start Date: 1997/08/01
- End Date: 2001/07/31
- Project Code: 9NS5
- Lead University: Auburn University
- Region: Global
- Topic: Innovation
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Interactive effect of feeding frequency and time of feeding for tilapia
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1997
- Author(s): R. Chan
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Asia
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Feeding strategies
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1997
- Author(s): J.S. Diana
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Intensification of Tilapia Production: Effects of Feeding at Different Stocking Rate on Pond Water Quality
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to research conducted in Honduras.
- Start Date: 1996/08/01
- End Date: 1998/07/31
- Project Code: 8HR1
- Lead University: Auburn University
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Food Security
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project
Relative Contribution of Supplemental Feed and Inorganic Fertilizers in Semi-Intensive Tilapia Production
Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture CRSP investigation related to research conducted in Kenya.
- Start Date: 1996/08/01
- End Date: 1998/07/31
- Project Code: 8KR3
- Lead University: Auburn University
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Food Security
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Project