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Report for Livestock Climate Change CRSP: Gender Analyses of the LCC CRSP Portfolio

Abstract: LCC CRSP gender adviser Dr. Sandra Russo (Univ. of Florida) reviewed the Feed the Future country plans of LCC CRSP focus countries and assessed current […]

  • Date of Publication: November 2012
  • Author(s): Sandra L. Russo
  • Type of Document: Project Document

Horticulture CRSP Job Opportunity: Junior specialist – potato storage in Bangladesh

Position: Junior specialist – potato storage in Bangladesh Horticulture CRSP is seeking applications for the position of junior specialist. Please see the full description here. Working with the International Potato Center, and funded by USAID/Bangladesh, the Horticulture CRSP project will […]

Recruitment of Experienced Nutrition Specialists for the WHO Regional Office for Africa

In the context of increased commitment of WHO to nutrition, the WHO Regional Office for Africa is calling for applications in country and regional offices. Please submit your applications through the WHO e-recruitment system: ( Country position in Rwanda Application Deadline: […]

BIFAD Review of the CRSP Model Released

A report commissioned by The Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) at the request of USAID reviewing the Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) model was recently released. The study focused on four key areas including CRSP engagement with the […]

Arresting environmental decline in Haiti: Learning about Conservation Agriculture

The farmlands of Haiti’s Central Plateau are severely degraded, limiting small-scale farmers’ ability to produce food and feed for home and market. SANREM CRSP researchers, together with NGO and government partners, are promoting better environmental stewardship by working with Haitian farmers […]

CRSP Research Increases Agricultural Productivity

Achieving increases in productivity, defined as deriving greater output per unit of input, is a central feature of USAID-funded agricultural programs and particularly the work of the Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs). Productivity gains can come from improvement in breeding, […]

Nutrition CRSP Goes to London

How does a program measure the impacts of complex multi-sector agriculture, nutrition, and health (ANH) programs? How can researchers capture the why and how of a program’s successes and failures? On June 21 and 22, 2012, the Nutrition Collaborative Research […]

External Evaluation Team Recommends Another Phase for Peanut CRSP

The Peanut CRSP’s “clear strategic alignment with FTF, its past research and development achievements, and the potential benefits in its pipeline of knowledge and new technologies justifies renewal.” That was the conclusion of the external evaluation team in their recent […]

A Conversation with Congressional Staff about CRSP Contributions to Food Security

On June 5, four of the ten CRSP Directors held an information session with staff representing members participating in both House and Senate Agriculture Committees at the Rayburn House Office Building. The focus of the conversation was on the CRSP contributions to food […]

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of information can I access through the site’s searchable resources? You will find information on the Feed the Future Innovation Labs for Collaborative Research and CRSP projects, publications, and long-term degree training. Information will be added as it is […]