Search Results

Research Priority Setting for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research in Sorghum and Millet in Ethiopia, Niger and Senegal: A Synthesis of Country Reports

Description: The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet will develop a portfolio of research activities that will respond to the […]

  • Date of Publication: 2013
  • Author(s): Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab
  • Type of Document: ME Documentation

Synthesis of the Ethiopian Agricultural Research System ? Kansas State University Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on the USAID Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Lab: Collaborative Research on Sorghum and Millet

Description: USAID has released a request for applications (RFA) to host the Management Entity (ME) of the Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab (formerly INTSORMIL). The RFA […]

  • Date of Publication: 2013
  • Author(s): Timothy J. Dalton; Adugna Wakjira
  • Type of Document: Project Document

World Food Prize 2012 | CRSP Digest | Feed the Future Greenroom Interviews

Abstract: At the 2012 World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa Deborah Rubin and Caitlin Nordehn from Cultural Practice, LLC spoke to the Agrilinks team about […]

  • Date of Publication: 12/31/2012
  • Author(s): Agrilinks
  • Type of Document: Media



World Food Prize 2012 | USAID IPM CRSP | Feed the Future Greenroom Interviews

Abstract: At the 2012 World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa Amer Fayad of the USAID IPM CRSP discussed his organization’s objectives and how he and […]

  • Date of Publication: 12/31/2012
  • Author(s): Agrilinks
  • Type of Document: Media

World Food Prize | USAID Dry Grain Pulses CRSP | Feed the Future Greenroom Interviews

Abstract: At the 2012 World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa Cynthia Donovan and Irvin Widders from the USAID Dry Grain Pulses CRSP, discussed their organization’s […]

  • Date of Publication: 12/31/2012
  • Author(s): Agrilinks
  • Type of Document: Media

World Food Prize 2012 | Elizabeth Mitcham | Feed the Future Greenroom Interviews

Abstract: At the 2012 World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa Dr. Elizabeth Mitcham from the USAID Horticulture CRSP at UC Davis, spoke about the CRSP’s […]

  • Date of Publication: 12/30/2012
  • Author(s): Agrilinks
  • Type of Document: Media



World Food Prize 2012 | Dr. Andrew Mude | Feed the Future Greenroom Interviews

Abstract: At the 2012 World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa Dr. Andrew Mude from the International Livestock Research Institute in Kenya joined Roger Thurow to […]

  • Date of Publication: 12/28/2012
  • Author(s): Agrilinks
  • Type of Document: Media

Review of the Integration of Nutrition in the Feed the Future Implementation Plans for the LCC-CRSP Country Sites

Abstract: The Livestock Climate Change Collaborative Research Support Program commissioned a report in 2012 to review nutrition as a cross-cutting research theme in LCC CRSP research […]

  • Date of Publication: November 2012
  • Author(s): Grace S. Marquis
  • Type of Document: Project Document

Building the Technical and
Institutional Capacity to Feed the World

To solve the puzzle of sustainably producing more food and feed for tomorrow under conditions of increasing resource scarcity it is critical to build the knowledge and skills of actors in the global food system today. This task has been undertaken by the […]

Feeding more people with healthier crops: Virology symposium hosted by IPM CRSP in India

A symposium organized by the Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) in India brings together experts in plant virus diseases to help farmers grow healthier crops. Almost one-third of the world’s population lives in tropical Asia, with […]