Cloning and characterization of leptin in a Perciform fish, the striped bass (Morone saxatilis): Control of feeding and regulation by nutritional state
Abstract: In mammals, leptin is an anorexigenic peptide hormone that regulates energy homeostasis. It is produced predominantly by white adipose tissue and circulates as an endocrine […]
- Date of Publication: 7/12/2012
- Author(s): Eugene T. Won; David A. Baltzegar; Matthew E. Picha; Russell J. Borski
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: AquaFish Phase I
Database: Publication
Feed the Future Releases Two New Sorghum Varieties in Nicaragua
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: July 2012
- Author(s): Not Available
- Type of Document: Newsletter
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Innovation, Productivity
CRSP: Sorghum, Millet, and Other Grains (SMOG / INTSORMIL)
Database: Publication
If you would like to get in touch with us, please send us your comments or feedback using the contact form below. Or you can send us an email.
Sorghum Millet and Other Grains CRSP Focus on Feed the Future
Powerpoint presentation.
- Date of Publication: 4/20/2012
- Type of Document: Media
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security
CRSP: Sorghum, Millet, and Other Grains (SMOG / INTSORMIL)
Database: Publication
Feed the Future Food Security Innovation Center Sustainable Intensification and Integrated Pest Management
Powerpoint presentation from the BIFAD Public Meeting held on March 15, 2013 at the University of Missouri.
- Date of Publication: 3/15/2012
- Author(s): Saharah Moon Chapotin
- Type of Document: Media
- Region: Global
- Topic: Natural Resource Management, Productivity
CRSP: CRSP Related
Database: Publication
Adapting Livestock Production System to Climate Change: Assessing Feed, Nutrition, and Animal Health
Abstract: Livestock production systems in Nepal are experiencing a significant downturn as critical resources such as water, soil, forests, agricultural productivity and farm labor are affected […]
- Date of Publication: March 2012
- Author(s): Durga D. Poudel
- Type of Document: Research Brief
- Region: Asia
- Topic: Climate Change, Productivity
CRSP: Livestock-Climate Change (LCC)
Database: Publication
Adapting Livestock Production Systems to Climate Change: Community Capacity-Building for Better Animal Health, Feed, Soil and Water
Abstract: Forest resources, soil productivity, crop production, and farm labor are intricately linked with livestock production systems in Nepal. These systems are deteriorating due to massive […]
- Date of Publication: February 2012
- Author(s): Durga D. Poudel
- Type of Document: Research Brief
- Region: Asia
- Topic: Capacity Building, Climate Change, Productivity
CRSP: Livestock-Climate Change (LCC)
Database: Publication
Sorghum Millet and Other Grains CRSP Focus on Feed the Future
Powerpoint presentation.
- Date of Publication: 2012
- Type of Document: Media
- Region: Global
- Topic: Innovation
CRSP: Sorghum, Millet, and Other Grains (SMOG / INTSORMIL)
Database: Publication
Harnessing Science to “Feed the Future”
This resource highlights how the CRSPs are addressing the Goals of Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, by overcoming gender […]
- Date of Publication: 2012
- Author(s): The CRSP Digest Project
- Type of Document: Impact/Success Story
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security, Gender, Health and Nutrition, Markets, Productivity
CRSP: CRSP Related
Database: Publication