Food Security

First report of soybean witches’-broom disease caused by group 16SrII phytoplasma in soybean in Malawi and Mozambique

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): P.L. Kumar; K. Sharma; S. Boahen; H. Tefera; M. Tamo
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Assessment of application timing of Bacillus spp. to suppress pre- and postharvest diseases of apple

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): A.M. Polatewitch; H. K. Ngugi; P. A. Backman
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Management of root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) in ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal and Senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahi) using non chemicals

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): S. Ramakrishnan; R. Umamaheswari; T. Senthilkumar; M. Samuthiravalli
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Resistant of varieties and lines of winter wheat to damage of cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus L.) in condition of Central Tajikistan

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): N. Sh. Saidov; A. U. Jalilov; M. Bouhssini; D. A. Landis; Sh. Safarzoda
  • Type of Document: Newspaper Article

Efficacy of different biological control agents against major postharvest pathogens of grapes under room temperature storage conditions

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): R. Senthil; K. Prabakar; L. Rajendran; G. Karthikeyan
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on onion (Allium cepa) in Benin

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): R. Sikirou; F. Beed; J. Hotegni; S. Winter; F. Assogba-Komlan; R. Reeder; S.A. Miller
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

First Report of Quinoa Downy Mildew Caused by Peonospora variablis in the United States

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): A.L. Testen; J. M. McKemy; P. A. Backman
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Challenges unique to managing viruses in tropical developing countries

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): S.A. Tolin
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 occurs as genetically diverse populations

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): O.J. Alabi; M. A. Rwahnih; G. Karthikeyan; S. Poojari; M. Fuchs; A. Rowhani; N. Rayapati
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

First report of Aecidium cantense (potato deforming rust) on Solanum macrocarpon (African eggplant) in Benin

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2011
  • Author(s): F. Beed; J.H. Hotegni Houessou; P. Kelly; V. Ezin
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article