
The National Livestock Marketing Information System Comes of Age in Kenya

Abstract: Following consultations and demonstration of the functioning of the Livestock Information Network and Knowledge System (LINKS) project ICT (information and communication technology) in reporting and […]

  • Date of Publication: November 2008
  • Author(s): Gatarwa Kariuki; Robert Kaitho; Muthoni Mwangi; John Maina; Qalicha Wario
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Three Case Study Analyses of Commodity Production (Coffee, Banana and Mango) in the District of Piura, Peru

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: November 2008
  • Author(s): Victor Agreda; Claudia Mendieta
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Stein, Daniel

Country of Origin:

BASIS Brief 2008-07: Insuring the Never Before Insured: Explaining Index Insurance Through Financial Education Games

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 10/1/2008
  • Author(s): Michael R. Carter; Christopher B. Barrett; Stephen Boucher; Sommarat Chantarat; Francisco Galarza; John McPeak; Andrew Mude; Carolina Trivelli
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

BASIS Brief 2008-07: Asegurando a los que Nunca Estuvieron Asegurados: Explicando el Seguro por indice a Traves de Juegos de Educacion Financiera

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 10/1/2008
  • Author(s): Michael R. Carter, Christopher B. Barrett, Stephen Boucher, Sommarat Chantarat, Francisco Galarza, John McPeak, Andrew Mude, Carolina Trivelli
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

BASIS Brief 208-07-S: Asegurando a los Que Nunca Estuvieron Asegurados: Explicando el Seguro por indice a Traves de Juegos de Educacion Financiera

Highlights the methodology and impact of BASIS CRSP research.

  • Date of Publication: 10/1/2008
  • Author(s): Michael R. Carter; Christopher B. Barrett; Stephen Boucher; Sommarat Chantarat; Francisco Galarza; John McPeak; Andrew Mude; Carolina Trivelli
  • Type of Document: Research Brief

Brahmawat, Vikas

Country of Origin:

Elabed, Ghada

Country of Origin:

Kraszewski, Andrew

Country of Origin:
  • Start Date: 2008/09/01
  • End Date: 2012/05/31
  • University:
  • Degree: BA

Pineda, Jesse

Country of Origin: