
Modeling of sorghum response to photoperiod: a threshold-hyperbolic approach

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): A. Folliard; P.C.S. Traore; M. Vaksmann; M. Kouressy
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Upscaling Carbon Model Predictions Using Very High Resolution Imagery: Evaluation of Contextual Approaches to Land Cover Classification and Crop Identifi cation

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): P.C.S. Traore; W.M. Bostick; A. Yorote; J. Jones; M. Doumbia
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Opportunities and constraints for reduced tillage practices in the rice-wheat cropping system

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): J.M. Duxbury; J.G. Lauren; M.H. Devare; A.S.M.H.M. Talukdar; M.A. Sufian; A. Shaheed; M.I. Hossain; K.R. Dahal; J. Tripathi; G.S. Giri; C. A. Meisner
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

The Tradeoff Analysis Model: Integrated Bio-Physical and Economic Modeling of Agricultural Production Systems

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): J.J. Stoorvogel; J.M. Angle; C.C. Crissman; W. Bowen
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Resposta de Culturas Anuais a AdubacAo Fosfatada em Latossolo Amarelo de areas Degradadas do Nordeste do Para

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M.S. Cravo; J. Corteletti; O.L. Nogueira; T.J. Smyth; M.M.F. Batista
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Field testing and on-farm evaluation of the NuMaSS in the Visayas

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): A.S. Almendras; R. Serohijos; H. Mula; J. Gerona
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Growing healthy rice seedlings through soil solarization: A low cost technology for increasing rice productivity and profitability

In T. Fischer et al. (ed). New directions for a diverse planet: Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 September

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M.E. Baksh; M.A. Siddique; C. Meisner; J.M. Duxbury; J.G. Lauren
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Wheat seed quality: A study on farmer seed

In T. Fischer et al. (ed). New directions for a diverse planet: Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 September

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): S.P. Banu; J.M. Duxbury; J.G. Lauren; C. Meisner; R. Islam
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Response of wheat to enriched seed and boron

In T. Fischer et al. (ed). New directions for a diverse planet: Proceedings for the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 September

  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M. Bodruzzaman; J.M. Duxbury; J.G. Lauren; C. Meisner; M.H.H. Khan; M.A. Sadat
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Integrated Nutrient Management Decision Support System (NuMaSS): A Potential Tool to Manage Fertilizers in the Acid Upland Rice–based Areas


  • Date of Publication: 2004
  • Author(s): M.C. Casimero; J.B. Lasquite; M.L. Aragon; R.S. Yost
  • Type of Document: Media