
Statistics of chemical fertilizer import 2002

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): Department of Agriculture
  • Type of Document: Media

Agricultural Statistics of Thailand, Crop year 2002/2003, Bangkok, Thailand

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): Office of Agricultural Economics
  • Type of Document: Project Document

Modifying DSSAT crop models for low-input agricultural systems using a soil organic matter-residue model from CENTURY

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): A.J. Gijsman; G. Hoogenboom; W.J. Parton; P.C. Kerridge
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Defining the contract area: Using spatial variation in land, cropping systems, and soil organic carbon

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): R. Yost; P. Doraiswamy; M. Doumbia
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Integrated nutrient management support system (NuMaSS): A potential decision aids tool to manage fertilizers in acid upland rice-based systems

Paper presented during the 14th National Research Symposium of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR). BSWM, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, November 26-28, 2002.

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): M.L. Aragon; M.C. Casimero; J.B. Lasquite; T.M. Corton; T. George; R.S. Yost
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Extensive testing of NuMaSS in the Philippines

Paper presented during the Regional Workshop on Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS). Philrice, Maligaya, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, January 21-24, 2002.

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): T. George; J. Quiton
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Impact evaluation of the NuMaSS project in the Philippines

Paper presented during the Regional Workshop on Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS). Philrice, Maligaya, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, January 21-24, 2002.

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): T. George; J. Quiton
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Intensive testing of NuMaSS Decision Aids Tool in the Philippines

In: Casimero, M.C., S. Ma. Pablico, R.S. Yost and M.L. Aragon. 2003. Field Testing of the Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS) in Southeast Asia. Workshop […]

  • Date of Publication: January 2002
  • Author(s): M.L. Aragon; J.B. Lasquite; T. George; T.M. Corton; M.C. Casimero; R.S. Yost
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Requerimientos de fosforo y respuestas a la fertilizacion fosforada del palmito en vivero y en cultivo

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): A. Ares; F. Cox; E. Molina; N. Falcao; R.S. Yost; K. Yuyama; C. Clement; J. Boniche
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article

Estimacion de biomasa por metodos alometricos, nutrimentos, y carbono en plantaciones de palmito en Costa Rica

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2002
  • Author(s): Adrian Ares; Jimmy Boniche; Jose Pablo Quesada; Russell Yost; Eloy Molina; Thomas J. Smyt
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article