Agroecology and Biotechnology of Stalk Rot Pathogens of Sorghum and Millet


Project Code:

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Not Available

Not Available

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Lead University:

Other Partners:
Not Available

Principal Investigator(s):
J.F. Leslie

Co-Principal Investigator(s):


The analysis of Fusarium toxins as a complement to aflatoxin analyses in maize and sorghum is critical to the production of food quality grains and thus the fight against poverty and hunger. Problems associated with toxins in contaminated maize may make maize produced in marginal areas unsafe for human consumption with levels of toxins expected to be higher than those allowed even in

animal feed in developed countries.


1. Increase collection of fungal samples from sorghum and millet, especially grain, and identify the species recovered. 2. Develop characters, such as mating type, for assessing genetic variability in fungal populations. 3. Provide pure cultures of fungi from our extensive collection to U.S. and LDC investigators to expedite diagnoses of fungal diseases of sorghum and millet. 4. Determine mycotoxigenic potential of Fusarium spp. from sorghum and millet. 5. Conduct Scientific Writing and Fusarium identification training workshops.


The results of this work on analysis of Fusarium Toxins in sorghum and confirmation that sorghumhas less mycotoxins than maize could significantly boost sorghum production in areas where Fusarium in maize is a problem. The extension will also provide for the completion of the ''Fusarium Laboratory Workshop'' and ''Scientific Writing'' training workshops asscheduled. Both are critical activities.

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