“Amenagement en courbes de niveau”, ACN: a water harvesting technology to increase rainfall capture, water storage, and deep drainage in soils of the Sahel

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R. Kablan; R.S. Yost; K. Brannan; M. Doumbia; K. Traore; A. Yorote; Y. Toloba; S. Sissoo; O. Samake; M. Vaksman; L Dioni; M. Sissoko

Type of Document:
Research Report


Soil Management CRSP, University of Hawaii- Manoa

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


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Additional Bibliographic Information

Kablan, R., R.S. Yost, K. Brannan, M. Doumbia, K. Traore, A. Yorote, Y. Toloba, S. Sissoo, O. Samake, M. Vaksman, L Dioni and M. Sissoko. 2008. ACN Fiche Technique, ACN Water Harvesting Technology Module. "Amenagement en courbes de niveau", ACN: a water harvesting technology to increase rainfall capture, water storage, and deep drainage in soils of the Sahel. SM CRSP Bulletin, July, 2008.

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