Better understanding market information to penetrate the VAF market for small-scale farmers


I. Kurniawan; J. Roshetko; D. Anggakusuma; S. Budidarsono

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Abstract: Generally, Nanggung Sub district, Bogor has relative good accessibility and close to the market. However, their unique landscape has placed the production area in unfavorable condition that is affected in transportation cost and deterioration in post harvest handling. Based on the FGD result, the farmers were not well informed about the vegetables market. Most of farmers are not market-oriented in their decision on agriculture activities. Developing VAF production in this area is still in pilot project level. There is not enough experience to grow vegetables in agroforestry system. To enter in a competitive market, the farmers have to hold reliable market information to minimize their risk. Better understanding on market information of selected vegetables is first step to develop and produce VAF in Nanggung. Farmers have always had to make decisions about what, when to plant, and where and how to sell. Assisting farmers to obtain and use the market information are main focus of this year. Other purposes of the action-research are to facilitate the farmers group in selecting and producing the most marketable VAF and to link the farmers with potential traders.

Improved Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA) is used as a method to obtain market information. A field visit to successful vegetables farmers have also been done as a way to motivate and learning process for the farmers. Based on survey on VAF marketing practice in several local market, Katuk (Sauropus androgynus) and Kucai leaves (Allium odorum) have good market demand and relative stable prices, higher prices per unit than existing vegetables are planted by the farmers. Initial cooperation between farmers group and local trader to market these vegetables has been done, facilitated by ICRAF. The cost-benefit analysis showed these farming systems will contribute to household income about USD 945/ha/year from Katuk and USD 2,287/ha/year from Kucai.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented at the 2008 SANREM CRSP Annual Meeting, Los Banos, Philippines, 26-28 May 2008

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