Bridging the Gap between Agricultural Technology Development and Adoption in Northern Kenya

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

George A. Keya; Michael Ngutu; Amos Adongo; Isako Tura

Type of Document:
Research Brief


Global Livestock CRSP, University of California- Davis

Date of Publication:
December 2005

Place of Publication:
Davis, CA


Abstract: Starting in 1998, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), through its National Arid Lands Research Center (NALRC), initiated and tested new research and outreach approaches with the aim of improving the acceptability and adoption of technology among pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in northern Kenya. These approaches included participatory research and technology development, local capacity building, catalyzing the adoption process, formation of partnerships among researchers and community members, giving priority attention to the gender dimensions of rural development, and actively disseminating research results among local people. Our results indicate that these approaches can be very effective in bridging the traditionally weak linkages between research and extension in Kenya and can improve the access of local people to technology and enhance rates of technology adoption. This philosophy seems likely to yield major benefits in terms of helping achieve positive impact on the rural poor and thus helps justify major research investments in arid areas.

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