Delivering vegetable safety education through established social networks in Latin America

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

Project Code:
Not Available

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Phase 1


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Lead University:

Other Partners:
Zamorano University (Honduras), PROMIPAC (Nicaragua), Universidad de San Carlos (Guatemala)

Principal Investigator(s):
Jeffrey LeJeune

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
Julio Lopez; Eduardo Pretzanzin; Yordana Valenzuela


Contamination of vegetables with foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms results in foodborne illness and economic losses. This problem is worldwide, but is particularly serious in Central American countries that are already fighting problems due to poor nutrition and poverty. Despite the potential magnitude of the problem, small-scale Latin American farmers are generally unaware of these hazards and losses and how these risks can be prevented. The lack of awareness of these risks (and potential benefits realized by their control) complicates communication efforts on the subject and hinders the sustained adoption of safe agricultural practices in horticultural production.

This project hypothesizes that established social networks will provide an effective and efficient venue to communicate vegetable microbial contamination information and promote management changes to improve produce safety and quality. We will test this hypothesis using several social networks (greenhouse associations, organic production associations, health clinics, schools, and traditional extension outreach programing) to communicate food safety and quality messages. These networks are particularly relevant as they are expected to include a large proportion of female farmers. Increases in awareness among farming communities in Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua will be measured. Successful pathways of communication will be expanded and adoption of food safety practices assessed.


At the completion of these participatory research and outreach activities, several tangible goals will be accomplished: food contamination will decrease; farmer health and produce quality will be improved among participants; new opportunities for sale and trade of produce will be opened, increasing economic viability for farmers; and a model system for effective delivery of agricultural assistance in Central American countries will be validated.


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