Development and Enhancement of Sorghum Germplasm with Sustained Tolerance to Drought, Striga, and Grain Mold
Project Code:
PRF-107; PRF-107A
Start Date:
End Date:
CRSP Phase:
Not Available
Not Available
Lead University:
Purdue University
Other Partners:
Collaborating Scientists' Institutions: NSA, ARC (Sudan); INRAN (Niger); ICRISAT (Kenya); SADCC/ICRISAT (Zimbabwe); Texas A&M University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Dekalb-Pfizer Genetics, Pioneer Seed Company (US)
Principal Investigator(s):
Gebisa Ejeta
Co-Principal Investigator(s):
To strengthen sorghum research capabilities of collaborating scientists in less developed countries, thereby accelerating the rate at which the production and utilization of sorghum in enhanced. To achieve this objective, the technical resources of sorghum research scientists at Purdue University as well as other INTSORMIL institutions were harnessed. Research on specific topics were undertaken primarily at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana but collaborative applied field experiments were conducted at the Gezira Research Station in Sudan and At INRAN, Niger.
1. To develop sorghum varieties and hybrids with improved yield potential and broader environmental adaptation. 2. To develop and enhance sorghum germplasm with in-creased levels of resistance to drought, Striga, and grain mold infection, 3. To study inheritance of traits associated with resistance to drought, Striga, and grain mold. 4. To elucidate mechanisms of resistance to drought, Striga, and grain mold in sorghum.
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