Etude de 50 annees de changements d’occupation des terres dans la commune rurale de Madiama cercle Djenne


R. Wynne; N. Sengupt; M. Toure

Type of Document:


Not Available

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Excerpt: Objectifs – Mettre en evidence les tendances, les effets et les interrelations entre les differentes classes d occupation de la terre

– Identifier et proposer les mesures de correction des effets lies a l activite de l homme.

Using aerial photographs taken over a period of years the authors have documented the changes in vegetative cover in the Madiama commune, showing how decreases in pasture availability coincided with the exacerbation of natural resource conflict

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented at SAMREM WA Research Synthesis Conference Innovations Institutionnelles et Developpements Technologiques pour une Gestion Decentralisee et Durable des Ressources Naturalles, Bamako, Mali, 24-26 February 2004 Presented at SANREM WA Research Synthesis Conference Institutional Innovations and Technological Developments for Decentralized and Sustainable Natural Resources Management, Bamako, Mali, 24-26 February 2004

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