Hemolymph profiles of pond-reared and lake pen-cultured adult Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853

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X.J. Cao; C. Zeng; W.Luo; Y. Gul; L. Cui; W.M. Wang

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Indian J. Fish.

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Levels of seven hemolymph parameters (considered as indicators of physiological and immune status of organisms) in pond-reared (PR) and lake pen-cultured (PC) adult Chinese mitten crabs sampled from three experimental sites viz., a pond at Huangjin Lake area, a net-pen in the Huangjin Lake and a pond at Lu Lake area were analysed. Two sites in the Huangjin Lake area where the pond meets the lake, possessed good water quality whereas at Lu Lake area where the pond was not connected to the Lu Lake, the water quality was relatively poor. Hemocyanin content and total hemocytes count in PR crabs from Lu Lake area were significantly lower than those of PR and PC crabs from Huangjin Lake area, indicating PR crabs from Lu Lake area had relatively poor physiological and immune status. There were no significant differences in hemolymph profiles between PR and PC crabs from Huangjin Lake area. These results indicate that water quality had a significant effect on the physiological and immune status of cultured Chinese mitten crabs. The resuls indicate that pond-rearing is better for culture of Chinese mitten crabs, especially in ponds which are connected to natural water resources.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Indian J. Fish., 59(1) : 95-101, 2012.

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