Hydrology, Water Harvesting, and Watershed Management for Food Security, Income, and Health: Small Impoundments for Aquaculture and Other Community Uses

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic: ,   |  Database:

Project Code:
Not Available

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Phase 1

Not Available

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Lead University:

Other Partners:
Alabama A&M, University of Georgia (US), Makerere University, Gulu University, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFRRI), Stellenbosch University

Principal Investigator(s):
Joseph Molnar

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
James Bukenya, Bill Tollner (US); Nelly Isyagi, Levi Kasisira, Gertrude Atakunda, Khalid Salie (Uganda)


Our vision is to provide research results that increase the knowledge base on water resource uses that work in the African context. The studies identify best practices in water use, enterprise development, and fish culture and contribute a legacy of trained individuals capable of leading and guiding aquacultural development as part of watershed management. Four studies address a broad range of water management, production, credit, and extension issues in Uganda and South Africa with intent and potential to extend findings and training to other countries. In Uganda, we build on a three-year intensive USAID-funded effort to build an aquaculture industry that brings to the project an extensive network of contacts and institutional knowledge. We have a strong network of women scientists and extension professionals as Host Country Partners. Some host country partners have a sustained record of meaningful impact in the aquacultural sector in their own and neighboring countries whereas others are new to aquaculture by bring other disciplines and approaches to the broader context of watershed management.

Related AquaFish investigations include: 09WIZ01AU, 09WIZ02AU, 09BMA01AU, 09MER01AU, 09BMA02AU, 09IND07AU


Coming soon


Uganda: - Development of site suitable maps for selecting the location of earthen aquaculture ponds to better capture and manage water. This technology offers a more suitable approach for community water supply management and natural resource conservation for Uganda fish farmers - Researchers and extensionists were trained at a CRSP workshop at Makerere University in techniques for advising local farmers in their site selections - A tilapia cage-culture trial for promoting small-scale fish farming on Lake Victoria was designed as a working enterprise model that will recruit other farmers to this new technology. At the conclusion of the trial, fish yield data showed farmers that the cage culture model can be profitable - A 60m x 80 m pond was constructed for demonstration, education, and information dissemination for pond construction and watershed management near Makerere University - Just under 300 participants attended the 3rd and 4th Annual Fish Farmers Symposium & Trade Fair in 2010 and 2011. The events were organized in partnerships with Walimi Fish Farmers Cooperative Society.

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