Implications of Extensification and Intensification for Food Security in 2015: Agriculture Sector Level Analysis


T. Butt; J. Stuth; J. Vitale; P. Dyke; J. Angerer

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Decision Support Systems for West Africa: An Examination of Issues, Policies and Alternatives for Food Security and Natural Resource Management in the Sikasso Region of Mali

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Place of Publication:
Not Available


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Additional Bibliographic Information

Butt, T., J. Stuth, J. Vitale, P. Dyke, and J. Angerer. 2002. Implications of Extensification and Intensification for Food Security in 2015: Agriculture Sector Level Analysis. Decision Support Systems for West Africa: An Examination Of Issues, Policies, and Alternatives for Food Security and Natural Resource Management in the Sikasso Region of Mali.

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