Influence of Participation in Farmer Field Schools on Adoption of Cowpea Specific IPM Technologies

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Project Code:
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CRSP Phase:
Phase 2

Not Available



Lead University:

Other Partners:
Makerere University; The Ohio State University, Agricultural Officer Pallisa District, Agricultural Office Kumi District, Agricultural Office Kaberamaido District

Principal Investigator(s):
J. Mark Erbaugh

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
E. Adipala, A.R Semana, M. Amujal, C. Iceduna, V. Odeke R. Ekemu (Uganda)


This study was conducted in Eastern Uganda in Kumi and Pallisa districts. It investigated the adoption of a cowpea IPM package consisting of 4 component technologies by comparing 90 participants of farmer field schools (FFS) with a control group of 90 farmers who had not participated in FFS. The twin objectives of the FFSs were to raise awareness levels among farmers of IPM and the recommended IPM package for cowpea. A participatory agricultural research process had been used in four previous years to design and develop the IPM package, which included early planting (7-10 days following onset of rains), use of 3 timely sprays (spraying at budding, flowering an podding), correct spacing (60cm X 20cm) and use of an improved variety (MU-93 Large White). As expected, FFS participants adopted more of the package components than non-participants. The most adopted technology by participants was use of 3 sprays (budding, flowering and podding) followed by correct spacing, and use of an improved variety (MU-93). The least adopted component technology was date of planting. Adoption of cowpea IPM technologies by participants was attributed to FFS training. However, there were only significant differences between participants and non-participants in the adoption of the improved variety and use of correct spacing.


To assess the influence of participation in farmer field schools on adoption of cowpea IPM technologies in Eastern Uganda.


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