Integrated Management of Pests Affecting Cruciferous Vegetables


Project Code:
Not Available

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Phase 2

Not Available



Lead University:

Other Partners:
Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Trinidad, Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), Penn State University, Ohio State University

Principal Investigator(s):

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
Dionne Clarke-Harris (CARDI), Shelby J. Fleischer (Pennsylvania State University), Lilory McComie (Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries Trinidad) and Chanderbhan Shripat (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Trinidad, Clive Edwards (Ohio State), Phillip Chung (RADA)


For ten years research has been conducted in the primary site in Jamaica which focused on addressing the problem of excessive pesticide use on a vegetable amaranth grown for local and export market. The research approach to the development of an IPM strategy was based on rationalized pesticide use, resistance management and the use of new, selective, biorational and botanical pesticides is applicable to other vegetable systems with high pesticide input.


1. Evaluate the potential of resistant varieties and biorationals (insect growth regulators, entomopathogenic nematodes, fungi and bacteria)and botanical insecticides for managing sweetpotato weevils and grubs of the sweetpotato leaf beetle. 2. Evaluate new IPM techniques for managing soil insect pests. 3. Demonstrate and disseminate new IPM technology,including new resistant varieties. 4. Regionalize IPM technology to selected countries in the Caribbean through research, demonstration, and training. 5. Investigate the use of organic mulches (ie., killed cover crops) as an alternative tillage option for IPM programs with sweetpotato in Jamaica and the USA


The application of insecticides that are environmentally friendly (e.g. biorationals and botanicals) on sweet potato entries that have shown tolerance to a variety of pests, including the sweet potato leaf beetle, is an important component in a sweetpotato IPM strategy.

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