IPM in Latin America and the Caribbean: Crops for Broad-based Growth and Perennial Production for Fragile Ecosystems
Project Code:
Not Available
Start Date:
End Date:
CRSP Phase:
Phase 3
Lead University:
Virginia Tech
Other Partners:
Not Available
Principal Investigator(s):
Jeff Alwang
Co-Principal Investigator(s):
Sally Hamilton; Stephen Weller; Paul Backman; Wills Flowers
This program addressed pest management issues for selected seasonal and perennial crops. It includes heterogeneous island, coastal, and mountainous ecosystems with highly diverse human societies. In these settings, seasonal crops contribute to income and exports, help reduce poverty and food insecurity, and provide engines of growth for lagging regions.
In addition, perennials can bring economic stability to areas with fragile ecosystems, reduce soil erosion and deforestation, and contribute to biodiversity. Because perennials and seasonal crops are often produced in association, they face complex pest problems that need to be addressed in an integrated fashion.
This program focuses on solanaceous, cucurbits, diversified highland vegetables, cacao, and plantain in Central America (Guatemala and Honduras), South America (Ecuador), and the Caribbean (Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago and smaller islands). It involves a comprehensive participatory approach that builds on past successes, is multi-disciplinary, and improves environmental quality through reduced pesticide use and biodiversity monitoring.
To develop a specialized, ecologically based IPM research program focused on priority pest constraints of selected higher value marketed horticultural crops.
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