Managing Peanut in Southeastern North Carolina

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic: ,   |  Database:

E. R. Harrelson; M. W. Shaw; D. E. Morrison; D. L. Jordan; B. B. Shew; R. L. Brandenburg

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


American Peanut Research and Education Society

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Birmingham, AL


Abstract: Peanut has been an important crop in southeastern North Carolina for many years. Changes in farm legislation have allowed greater flexibility in peanut production, and growers in southeastern North Carolina

have taken advantage of this opportunity. With the governmental system altered dramatically, many growers are able to increase production and many have no intentions of slowing down; there has also been

an increase in new growers in southeastern NC. As markets and contracts become more available to growers in our area, enhancing quality of peanuts has become essential for farmers in order to receive the

highest contracts possible. With increasing peanut acreage the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service is an important source of information for producing a top quality commodity. With the aid of NCSU

specialist, the county agents can present the latest information at production meetings and various field

days. Extension personnel also offer a “pod blasting” field day where growers can bring samples to

determine maturity of the peanuts in order to dig at the optimum time. A peanut disease advisory has also

become an integral part of peanut production in NC. We offer the advisory to all producers and encourage

advisory use on all farms.

Additional Bibliographic Information

E. R. Harrelson, M. W. Shaw, D. E. Morrison, D. L. Jordan, B. B. Shew, and R. L. Brandenburg, 2008. Managing Peanut in Southeastern North Carolina., Proc. Am. Peanut Res. and Ed. Soc. Birmingham, AL, 39:67

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