Notice of Naming and Release of Flor de Mayo 2000, a New Mid-Season, Disease Resistant, Drought Adapted flor-de-mayo Cultivar for the Highlands of Mexico

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J.A. Acosta-Gallegos; F. J. Ibarra-Perez; B. Cazares Enriquez; A. Castillo-Rosales; R. Rosales-Serna; J.D. Kelly; S. P. Singh

Type of Document:
Research Report


Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


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Additional Bibliographic Information

Acosta-Gallegos, J. A., F. J. Ibarra-Perez, B. Cazares Enriquez, A. Castillo-Rosales, R. Rosales-Serna, J. D. Kelly and S. P. Singh. 2001. Notice of Naming and Release of Flor de Mayo 2000, a New Mid- Season, Disease Resistant, Drought Adapted flor-de-mayo Cultivar for the Highlands of Mexico. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 44:195-196.

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