Overall acceptability and sensory profiles of unstabilized peanut butter and peanut butter stabilized with palm oil

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LA Gills; AVA Resurreccion

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Descriptive analysis (0) was used to compare sensory attribute intensities of peanut butter stabilized in palm oil (PO) and unstabilized peanut butter (UPB) to consumer acceptance scores (C). A relationship (Rz=0.5) existed between the ratings of consumer attribute overall and descriptive attribute spreadability and brown color; color (C) and brown color (0) and oiliness (0); oiliness (C) and brown color (D), stickiness (D), oiliness (0) and spreadability (0); and spreadability (C)w ith spreadability (0)T.h ere were no linear relations between the consumer t e r n texture and flavor with any of the descriptive attributes. Significant differences existed between the treatments in the descriptive attributes of brown color, raw flavor, hardness, gumminess and spreadability. Signijkant differences also existed between treatments for all of the consumer attributes.

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