Pictures Where People Matter. A ReportfManual on the Use of Photography as a Tool in Farmer-Centered Participatory Research and Information Exchange: Lessons from the Field, Donsin Village, Namantenga Province, Burkina Faso


C. Roncoli; M. Sendze

Type of Document:
Project Document


SANREM CRSP, University of Georgia

Date of Publication:
December 1995

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Coming soon

Additional Bibliographic Information

Roncoli, C. and M. Sendze. Pictures Where People Matter. A ReportfManual on the Use of Photography as a Tool in Farmer-Centered Participatory Research and Information Exchange: Lessons from the Field, Donsin Village, Namantenga Province, Burkina Faso. SANREM CRSP, December 1995.

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