Procedures for using the WEPP model for predicting runoff, soil erosion, and sediment yield in the Manupali subwatersheds in the Philippines


V. Ella

Type of Document:
Project Document


SANREM CRSP, University of Georgia

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Madison, WI


This technical bulletin describes how to use the developed WEPP hillslope and watershed models to predict runoff, soil erosion and sediment yield in the Manupali subwatersheds in the Philippines.

SANREM-CRSP Environmental Research Grant Project on computer simulation of soil erosion and sediment yield in Philippine upland watersheds using the WEPP model and packaging streamflow and soil erosion prediction technology based on the WEPP model for the Manupali subwatersheds.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Ella, V. 2003. Procedures for using the WEPP model for predicting runoff, soil erosion, and sediment yield in the Manupali subwatersheds in the Philippines. SANREM ERGP Technical Bulletin No. 2/2003. 11pp.

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