Quality characteristics of the peanuts and products from the “Kalina” sort

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T. Petrova; M. Ruinova; P. Paraskova; Y. Yordanov; V. Boneva; V. Phidanchev; L. Beuchat; M. Chinnan; A. Resurreccion; W. Florkowski

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


Food Processing Industry Magazine

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Abstract: The “Kalina” cultivar peanuts and the products produced on the basis of this cultivar peanuts are high energy Content (approximately 600 kcal). The peanut kernels are a valuable raw material because they contain about 43% fats, 27% proteins, 22% carbohydrates, as well as a broad range of minerals. The fundamental fatty acids in the “Kalina” cultivar peanuts and the products obtained as a result of their processing are the oleic acid (39-48%), the linoleic acid (31-34%) and the palmitic acid (11-14%). Regarding the proteins the great importance have the amino acids, especially the essential amino acids – leucine, phenylalanine, lysine. The overall ash Content in the “Kalina” cultivar peanuts and the products produced on the basis of this cultivar peanuts is about 2-3%, while there is a significant amount of potassium (690-840 mg/100g), phosphorus (220-330 mg/100g) and magnesium (130-160 mg/100g). The peanut kernels of “Kalina” cultivar and the products obtained as a result of their processing contain a significant amount of vitamin E (9-10 mg/100g) and lesser amount of vitamin B1 (0,03-0,42 mg/100g).

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