Relationship of thrips density and peanut yellow spot virus and their effect on yield of selected peanut cultivars

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TP Satayavirut; Pitak S Sepswasdi; V Pharpoom

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Tenth Groundnut Conference

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Abstract: Thrips density was rather low throughout the season. However, number of thrips found on a subplot treatment seem to relate to an incidence of PYSV. In other word, the higher the number of thrips the more PYSV symptom leaflets were found on peanut. The lowest number of thrips was found on peanut treated twice (wk 2+4 treatment) and one time (wk 4 treatment). Untreated peanut (check treatment) as well as one time treatment (wk 2) supported the highest thrips population Furthermore, peanut treated twice (wk 3+5 trea tment) showed the lowest incidence of PYSV. Therefore, tine of insect icide application affect on thrips population and the incidence of PYSV. There were not significantly different for number of thrips, incidence of PYSV and hopperburn on the two peanut cultivars. Nevertheless, the higher incidence of PMV were found on Tainan 9 than that of KK 60-1 peanut cultivar. In consideration of yield, however, dry pod yield, seed weight, and number of peanut plant per plot were not significanlty different for the KK 60-1 and Tainan 9 peanut cultivars and the different levels of insecticide application.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Report of tenth Groundnut Conference, Hinsuay Namsi Resort Hotel, Rayong. 16-19 Oct.

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