Rock phosphate module for PDSS and NuMaSS Decision Aids

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R.S. Yost; A. Sidibe; T. Attanandana; X. Wang

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Field Testing of the Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS) in Southeast Asia

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Nueva Ecija, Philippines


In: Casimero, M.C., S. Ma. Pablico, R.S. Yost, and M.L. Aragon. 2003. Field Testing of the Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS) in Southeast Asia. Workshop Proceedings, 21-24 January 2002, PhilRice, Maligaya, Science of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, The Philippines.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Yost, R.S., A. Sidibe, T. Attanandana and X. Wang. 2003. Rock phosphate module for PDSS and NuMaSS Decision Aids. In: Casimero, M.C., S. Ma. Pablico, R.S. Yost, and M.L. Aragon. 2003. Field Testing of the Integrated Nutrient Management Support System (NuMaSS) in Southeast Asia. Workshop Proceedings, 21-24 January 2002, PhilRice, Maligaya, Science of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, The Philippines.

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