Trip Report – MLPI-2 and GSFA/RIVERS: Visit field sites and meet with collaborating partners in Senegal: hold meetings in Mali to introduce the GSFA/RIVERS project to MLPI-2 partners and interested parties; and hold partners meeting for MLPI-2

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

Not Available

Type of Document:
Project Document


Not Available

Date of Publication:
May 2011

Place of Publication:
Not Available


Coming soon

Additional Bibliographic Information

------. May 2011. Trip Report - MLPI-2 and GSFA/RIVERS: Visit field sites and meet with collaborating partners in Senegal: hold meetings in Mali to introduce the GSFA/RIVERS project to MLPI-2 partners and interested parties; and hold partners meeting for MLPI-2. Dakar, Senegal, Bamako, Mali.

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