Varietal Screening of Eggplant for Resistance to Bacterial Wilt, Fruit and Shoot Borer (FSB), Leafhopper (jassids) and Root-knot Nematode(RKN) and of Tomato Resistance to BW ,Virus Disease and RKN

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

Project Code:
Not Available

Start Date:

End Date:

CRSP Phase:
Phase 2

Not Available



Lead University:

Other Partners:
BARI (Bangladesh); Penn State, Virginia Tech , Ohio State (US); AVRDC

Principal Investigator(s):

Co-Principal Investigator(s):
M. A. Rashid, M. A. Rahman, Shabuddin Ahmad, S. N. Alam, M. H. Rashid, M. Khorsheduzzaman (BARI),ANM Rezaul Karim, H. S. Jasmine, Nazneen A. Sultana, Bahauddin Ahmed (IPM CRSP/Virginia Tech), N. S.Talekar (AVRDC), E. Rajotte (Penn State), G. Luther (Virginia Tech) and S. Miller (Ohio State)


FSB, BW, jassids and RKN seriously damage eggplant varieties grown by the farmers every year. Farmers use

pesticides indiscriminately without knowing the pest, or gaining any satisfactory control of the pests. Previous

research indicates that genetic resistance to these pests in eggplant varieties is available and the resistance can be introgressed into cultivated varieties through breeding. A similar situation exists in tomato cultivation. This research examines how the use of resistant eggplant and tomato varieties will significantly reduce pesticide use and help produce healthy vegetables without significant yield losses.


1. To confirm the reactions of bacterial wilt (BW) resistant eggplant and tomato varieties/lines selected previously; 2. To confirm the performance of previously selected fruit and shoot borer (FSB) and jassid resistant eggplant varieties/lines; and 3. To confirm root-knot nematode (RKN)resistance in eggplant and tomato cultivars/lines previously identified


The results have clearly shown that resistant sources to major pests and diseases are available in local and exotic eggplant varieties. Several of the eggplant varieties selected as resistant to FSB also possess resistance to some important insect pests, diseases and RKN.Moreover, the selected resistant varieties include two cultivated varieties, which have potential to reduce FSB infestations and minimize insecticide use. Identification of these genetically resistant sources has enhanced the process of resistance breeding programs.

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