Vegetable Agroforestry and Cashew-Cacao Systems in Vietnam


D. Thanh Ha; L. Van Du; L. Thanh Loan; N. Kim Loi; N. Duc Thanh; P.H. Duc Phuoc; D. Midmore; D. Catacutan; M. Palada; M. Reyes; R. Cajilig; K. Kunta; S. Sombatpanit (Eds.)

Type of Document:
Scholarly Article


World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC)

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Bangkok, Thailand


This book is part of a four-book series that details the research conducted by the Nong Lam University research team concerning the addition of cacao to cashew farming systems in Vietnam. Eight cacao varieties were tested on farmer-owned cashew plantations and had promising results that showed that cacao grew exceptionally well under the cashew canopy, and will be profitable to farmers. These ecologically-sound, integrated vegetable agroforestry systems were developed in order to increase farm production and income, thus stabilizing the supply of products for markets and improving food security.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Special Publication No. 6a

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