Watershed-based natural resource management in small-scale agriculture: Sloped areas of the Andean Region
J. Alwang
Type of Document:
Not Available
Date of Publication:
Place of Publication:
Not Available
This presentation reports on the work of the SANREM CRSP long term research activity 3 (LTRA-3), “Watershed-based natural resource management (NRM) for small-scale agriculture.”
The objectives of the presentation are: – Present an overview of our SANREM research project, including objectives, methods, and relationships among research activities
– Give a flavor of some early findings – Discuss additional activities
Project objectives: Overall Goal: Enable and support local capacity to plan policies and interventions to raise incomes, improve social conditions and protect and improve the environment in Guaranda, Ecuador and Tiraque, Bolivia.
– Identify economic, social, political and environmental conditions in the watersheds and understand the determinants of these conditions.
– Generate and validate environmentally sustainable alternatives to improve production systems and enhance income generation.
– Create a means of evaluating the impacts of alternative actions, policies and interventions on income generation, and social and environmental conditions
– Build local capacity to evaluate policy alternatives, make and enforce decisions, and strengthen social capital.