Women’s participation in participatory research: A case study of SANREM’s experiences in Umala, Bolivia


O. Yana

Type of Document:


Not Available

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Not Available


The poster discusses the participation of men and women in the SANREM CRSP project activities, the household economic and social characteristics of women who participate versus those who do not, and the characteristics of the General division of household labor between those who participate and the women who do not participate.

El poster contempla los resultados de la participacion de mujeres y hombres en actividades del proyecto de Investigacion SANREM-CRSP, las caracteristicas sociales y economicas de los hogares de mujeres que participan versus los hogares de mujeres que no participan en el proyecto de investigacion, y las caracteristicas de la division generica del trabajo de los hogares de mujeres que participan y no participan.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Presented at the 2008 SANREM CRSP Annual Meeting, Los Banos, Philippines, 26-29 May 2008

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