Working Together on Groundnut Virus Diseases

CRSP:   |  Region:   |  Topic:   |  Database:

DVR Reddy; D McDonald; JP Moss (editors)

Type of Document:
Conference Proceeding or Document


Scottish Crop Research Institute

Date of Publication:

Place of Publication:
Dundee, UK


Abstract: At a meeting organized by ICRISAT in cooperation wi t h the Peanut Collaborative Research Support Program (Peanut CRSP) and the Virology Department , Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI), UK, scientists f rom 11 countries, representing the three working groups–‘Groundnut viruses in Asia-Pacific region’, ‘Groundnut viruses in Af r ica’ , and ‘Transformation and regeneration of groundnut, and utilization of viral genes to induce resistance to virus diseases’–reviewed the progress made by the three working groups since their last meetings. Following General discussion, recommendations were made for global cooperative research on groundnut viruses, and specific recommendations for collaborative research were listed for each working group.

Additional Bibliographic Information

Reddy, D V R, McDonald, D, and Moss, J P (eds.). 1994. Working together on groundnut virus diseases: summary and recommendations of a meeting of international working groups on groundnut virus diseases, 15-19 Aug 1993, Scottish Crop Research Inst i tute, Dundee, UK. ( In En. Summaries in En and Fr) Patancheru 502 324, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. pp.88. ISBN 92-9066-294-8. Order code: CPE 088.

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