
Geographic Information Systems to Enhance IPM Collaborative Research in Uganda: Follow-up to Solidify GIS Knowledge and Skills

This project expanded upon an earlier geographic information systems (GIS) workshop presented in February of 2002. Experience in previous IPM CRSP GIS workshops has shown that […]

Coffee Wilt Disease in Uganda Caused by A New Species in the Gibberella fujikuroi Complex

The objective of this research was to characterize, identify and study the genetic diversity of the coffee wilt pathogen in order to provide information for the […]

Etiology and Epidemiology of Coffee Wilt Disease in Uganda

This project undertook a detailed study of the Coffee Wilt Disease (CWD) causal pathogen, Fusarium xylarioides, its pathogenic nature and molecular characteristics, to further understand the […]

Asea, Godfrey

Country of Origin:

Gordon, Stuart

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Nabirye, Jennifer

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Nakkazi, Jennifer

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Namanda, Sam

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Linking Agriculture to Human Nutrition: A Gender-Based Analysis of Institutional Initiatives and Experiences

Through case studies in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda researchers examined the ways institutions developed integrated approaches to food security and why these approaches are successful.



Mukankusi, Clare

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