Grain Legumes (Legume)

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Sub-Sector: Pulses
Status: Current   |   Start – End Date: 2013/04/01 – Present


321 Agriculture Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
TEL: +1-517-355-4693; FAX: +1-517-432-1073

Dr. Irvin Widders,
Program Director

Dr. Cynthia Donovan,
Associate Director

Marguerite Halversen,
Communications Manager

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Grain Legumes (formerly the Pulse CRSP) contributes to economic growth and food and nutrition security through knowledge and technology generation that strengthens grain legume (e.g., bean, cowpea, pigeon pea, etc.) value chains and enhances the capacity and sustainability of agriculture research institutions that serve grain legume sectors in developing countries of Africa and Latin America. The Legume Innovation Lab has projects in fourteen countries including: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

The Legume Innovation Lab global themes are as follows:

  • To reduce production costs and risks for enhanced profitability and competitiveness of bean, cowpea, and other grain legumes
  • To increase the utilization of bean and cowpea grain and food products to expand market opportunities and improve community health and nutrition
  • To improve the performance and sustainability for bean and cowpea value chains, especially for the benefit of women
  • To increase the capacity, effectiveness, and sustainability of agriculture research institutions that serve the pulse sectors and developing country agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America

The Legume Innovation Lab was established on April 1, 2013, with a five-year award from USAID–Washington to Michigan State University to serve as the Management Entity.