Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Malnutrition: The Nutrition CRSP Kenya Project
Chapter 7 of the book The Social sciences in international agricultural research: lessons from the CRSPs.
- Date of Publication: 1989
- Author(s): Michael Paolisse; Michael G. Baksh
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Health and Nutrition
CRSP: Human Nutrition
Database: Publication
Annual Report Nutrition CRSP Kenya Project
Contains an Overview of activities undertaken by the Nutrition CRSP in Kenya from 1985 to 1985.
- Date of Publication: 1986
- Author(s): Human Nutrition CRSP
- Type of Document: Annual Report
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Health and Nutrition
CRSP: Human Nutrition
Database: Publication
Human Nutrition CRSP – Kenya Project
This project focused on understanding both the biological and social consequences of mild to moderate malnutrition in central Kenya.
- Start Date: January 1984
- End Date: N.D.
- Project Code: Not Available
- Lead University: University of California - Los Angeles
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Health and Nutrition
CRSP: Human Nutrition
Database: Project