Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

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Economic evaluation of the changes of the integrated pest management technologies on potato producers from the Ecuadorian highlands

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): P. David Quishpe Sinailin
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Pathogenicidad y rango de hospederos de Fusarium oxysporum aislados de plantas de babaco, naranjilla, tomate y clavel

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): B.F. Yangari Enriquez
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Epidemiology, aphid vectors, impact and management of tobacco etch potyvirus in hot peppers in Jamaica

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): Sharon A. McDonald
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Development of inoculation procedures to evaluate partial resistance to Cercospora zeaemaydis on young maize plants

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): Godfrey Asea
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Development of an Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Groundnut Rosette and Cercospora Leaf Spot Diseases in Uganda

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): Clare Mukankusi
  • Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation

Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) in Bangladesh: An Overview

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  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): A.N.M.R. Karim; et al.
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Integrated management of pests and diseases on hot pepper

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): D.O. Clarke-Harris; F.D. McDonald
  • Type of Document: Research Report

Weeds and Weed Management in Rice-Vegetable Systems

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): A.M. Baltazar; F.V. Bariuan; E.C. Martin; M.C. Casimero; F. Bajo, Jr; S.R. Obien; R.M. Gapasin; S.K. De Datta; A.M. Mortimer
  • Type of Document: Not Available

Reaccion de diferentes especies de caricaceas a Fusarium oxysporum y su afinidad como patrones de babaco

In: Memorias: XI Seminario Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal. Universidad tecnica de Babahoyo. Babahoyo-Ecuador. 196-208 pp.

  • Date of Publication: 2001
  • Author(s): V. Galarza; J. Ochoa
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document