Determination of the Phosphorus Fertilization Rate for Bluegill Ponds Using Regression Analysis
Abstract: Pond fertilization studies usually are restricted by availability of ponds forcing researchers to limit treatments to maintain adequate replicates for statistical analysis. Data from a […]
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): Wararat Wudtisin; Claude E. Boyd
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Live Diets for Pacu Larvae Tested in Peru
Abstract: The results of a study in Peru that evaluated three food sources for larval C.macropomum and P. brachypomus indicated that although Artemia are a more […]
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): William N. Camargo; Christopher C. Kohler; Susan T. Kohler; Melyna Silva P.; Fernando Alcantara B.; Cesar Sias A.; Palmira P. Padilla
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Innovation
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Tilapia fingerlings production in Honduras
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): Suyapa Triminio Meyer
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Comparacion de seis lineas de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): B.A. Hernandez-Vera
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Feeding plasticity and nutritional physiology in tropical fishes
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): K. Dabrowski; M.C. Portella
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Health and Nutrition
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Growth and morphological changes in the digestive track of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) due to casein replacement with soybean proteins
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): T. Ostaszewska; K. Dabrowski; M.E. Palacios; M. Olejniczak; M. Wieczorek
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Health and Nutrition
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Bottom soil quality in ponds for culture of catfish, freshwater prawn, and carp in Thailand
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): Idsariya Wudtisin
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Growth and survival of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fry reared in hapas at different stocking densities
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): R.N. Kamau
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Growth and survival of African catfish (Clarias garipinus) larvae and subsequent juveniles fed Artemia nauplii, freshwater rotifers and freeze-dried Cyclops
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): J. Nzeve
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Growth and survival of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fry reared at different stocking densities in tanks
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 2005
- Author(s): K.D. Omwansa
- Type of Document: Thesis or Dissertation
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication