Simulation of Short-Term Management Actions to Prevent Oxygen Depletion in Ponds
Abstract: The study examined possible changes in dissolved oxygen concentration resulting from various short-term management actions that can be undertaken in response to cloudy conditions. The […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): Raul H. Piedrahita
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Production of Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and ecosystem dynamics in manured ponds of three depths
Abstract: During three 5-month experiments in Thailand, earthen ponds of approximately 370 m2 surface area were stocked with male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), fingerlings of […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): J.P. Szyper; K.D. Hopkins; C. Kwei Lin
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Substitution of chicken litter for feed in production of penaeid shrimp in Honduras
Abstract: Two experiments were conducted in Choluteca, Honduras, to asertain effects on yield and profitability of partial substitution of chicken litter for feed during initial growth […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): David R. Teichert-Coddington; Bartholomew W. Green; Ralph W. Parkman
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Application of limnology for efficient nutrient utilization in tropical pond aquaculture
Abstract: In most waste-fed systems, water quality degradation ultimately limits net fish yields (FY). Often as fertilization rates increase, inefficient nitrogen utilization together with daytime pHs […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): C. F. Knud-Hansen; C.D. McNabb; T. R. Batterson
- Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Bias in seine sampling of tilapia
Abstract: Seine sampling is widely recognized by aquaculturists to produce upwardly-biased estimates of size. This bias is sometimes given as a reason for not including sampling […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): Kevin Hopkins; Amararatne Yakupitiyage
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Effect of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on the ecosystem of aquaculture ponds, and its significance to the trophic cascade hypothesis
Abstract: The trophic cascade hypothesis holds that an increase in fish biomass causes a decline in food organisms of the fish, which cascades down to regulate […]
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): James S. Diana; Daniel J. Dettweiler; C. Kwei Lin
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
CRSP Council Honduras concept paper towards a sustainable agriculture in Southern Honduras
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): D. Meckenstock; D.R. Teichert-Coddington; J.C. Rosas; H. van Es; M.S. Chinnan; M.M. Murillo
- Type of Document: Research Report
- Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Topic: Food Security, Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Comparative growth and mortality of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias gariepinus fingerlings in earthen ponds (Rwanda)
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): L. Verheust; K.L. Veverica; E. Rurangwa
- Type of Document: Research Report
- Region: Sub-Saharan Africa
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Disposition and elimination of 17a-methyltestosterone in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): L.R. Curtis; F.T. Diren; M.D. Hurley; W.K. Seim; R.A. Tubb
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Global
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication
Nitrogen input, primary productivity, and fish yield in fertilized freshwater ponds in Indonesia
Coming soon
- Date of Publication: 1991
- Author(s): C.F. Knud-Hansen; T.R. Batterson; C.D. McNabb; I.S. Harahat; K. Sumantadinata; H.M. Eidman
- Type of Document: Scholarly Article
- Region: Asia
- Topic: Productivity
CRSP: Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture
Database: Publication