Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resource Management (SANREM)

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Plata, Jhonny

Country of Origin:

Vasquez, Marco A.

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CCRA-6: Economic Analysis and Impact

The economic challenges to CAPS adoption are among the most formidable obstacles that will confront LTRAs and their collaborating host-country partners. While the benefits to participating […]

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: CCRA-6
  • Lead University:

CCRA-7: Gendered Perspectives for Conservation Agriculture

Understanding local knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions of soils–both women and men’s–is one of several essential components for potential adoption of CAPS. Women possess specialized agricultural knowledge […]

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: CCRA-7
  • Lead University:

CCRA-8: Technology Networks

No case of CAPS adoption has occurred without the mobilization of multiple partners. The goal of this project is to determine factors facilitating innovation and scaling […]

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: CCRA-8
  • Lead University:

CCRA-9: Soil Quality and Carbon Sequestration

The goal of this project is to determine if dryland smallholders in the developing world can increase soil organic carbon, and hence soil fertility, by adopting […]

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: CCRA-9
  • Lead University:

LTRA-6: A CAPS program for the Central Plateau of Haiti

After decades of violent conflict and political upheaval, Haiti’s agricultural sector is unable to produce enough food for the nation’s population of nearly 9 million. The […]

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: LTRA-6
  • Lead University:

LTRA-7: Pathways to CAPS in the Andes

Rural populations in the Andean region of South America are frequently dependent on a single food crop

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: 2014
  • Project Code: LTRA-7
  • Lead University:

LTRA-8: Improving soil quality and crop productivity through CAPS in West Africa

For West African countries such as Ghana and Mali, investment in agriculture is critical to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth. Improved soil quality and water […]

LTRA-9: Developing sustainable CAPS for smallholder farmers in Southern Africa

Subsistence farmers across Southern Africa struggle with food security and often address the shortfall by plowing more land. This approach usually results in fewer crops due […]