Sub-Saharan Africa

Socio-demographic determinants of aflatoxin B1-lysine adduct levels among pregnant women in Kumasi, Ghana

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): FMB Shuaib; JE Ehiri; NJ Yatich; E. Funkhouser; SD Person; C. Wilson; C. Turpin; T. Agbenyega; JH Williams; G. Qian; J-S. Wang; PE Jolly
  • Type of Document: Scholarly Article



Women, health, and peanuts in Uganda

Coming soon

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Miriam Rich
  • Type of Document: Impact/Success Story



Dry Grain Pulses Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP): Global Pulse Researchers Meeting Agenda

An agenda for the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, held in Kigali, Rwanda and entitled “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Dry Grain Pulses CRSP
  • Type of Document: Conference Proceeding or Document

Food Requirements of a Growing World- Strategies for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture and the Role of Pulse Crops in Achieving Food and Nutritional Security

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Paul Gepts
  • Type of Document: Media

Global Pulse Production and Price Trends- The Potential of Pulses to Achieve ‘Feed the Future’ Food and Nutritional Security Goals

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Mywish Maredia
  • Type of Document: Media

Increasing Utilization of Cowpeas to Promote Health and Food Security in Africa

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Joseph Awika
  • Type of Document: Media

Improving Nutritional Status and CD4 Counts in HIV-Infected Children through Nutritional Support

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Maurice Bennink
  • Type of Document: Media

The potential of modern science and technology to enhance pulse productivity through sustainable intensification of small-holder cropping-systems in Africa and Latin America

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Bir Bahadur Singh
  • Type of Document: Media

Biological Foundations for Management of Field Insect Pests of Cowpea in Africa

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Barry Pittendrigh
  • Type of Document: Media

Improving Bean Production in Drought-Prone, Low Fertility Soils of Africa and Latin America – An Integrated Approach

A powerpoint presentation given at the 2012 Global Pulse Researchers Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda- “Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods”.

  • Date of Publication: 2012
  • Author(s): Jonathan Lynch
  • Type of Document: Media